Paper Bags


CHO committed to greener nature

At CHO we are providing paper straws that are non toxic and SGS approved. Paper straws are a much better choice for the planet as they can decompose without creating a waste problem.We are bringing in the paper straw revolution by getting most cafes, restaurants and hotels to ditch the plastic and switch to paper. Drinking straws are a fun addition to your party supplies, but if you're concerned about the environment and the nationwide ban on plastics, you probably want to avoid plastic. Just CHO has the solution. We are providing Paper drinking straws in many different colors and styles! Our straws have passed FDA tests and made of biodegradable material. We also have drinking paper straws with a variety of patterns and colours. Intract with us so that you'll find an affordable and eco-friendly way to add fun to your party or event!


  • Dimensions (in mm) : 6 x 100
  • Colours Available : White / Mixed Stripes
  • Number Of Pieces Per Pack: 100
  • Number Of Pieces Per Carton: 10000

  • Dimensions (in mm) : 8 x 100
  • Colours Available : White / Mixed Stripes
  • Number Of Pieces Per Pack: 100
  • Number Of Pieces Per Carton: 10000

  • Dimensions (in mm) : 10 x 100
  • Colours Available : White / Mixed Stripes
  • Number Of Pieces Per Pack: 100
  • Number Of Pieces Per Carton: 10000

  • We have become the fastest growing


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